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1 - Preheat the garment for 5 to 10 seconds to remove excess moisture.
2 - Place the transfer on the hot shirt white side down, image facing up.
3 - Press at 305F for cotton or high cotton blends. For polyester, synthetic and low cotton
blends, set your press to 275F to 280F for 8 to 10 seconds under heavy pressure.
4 - Remove the garment from the press and let cool completly.
5 - Peel warm or cool


- Make sure heat press is at temperature with a thermal temperature gun
- Make sure garment seams, pockets, collars, ect are off of the
heat press when pressing. The garment must be completely flat.
- Split the garment on the press so only the side of the garment getting
the transfer is on the press.
- No cover sheet is to be used on initial press.
- Press onto a hot, freshly pressed garment

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